Value Drivers for Growth and Profitability – Using the Merit Shop Scorecard

Ever wonder why some contractors struggled during the economic downturn and other contractors were more sustainable during that period of time? Successful contractor businesses have always been effective at implementing value drivers for their organization. Some of those being:

• A stable, motivated management team
• An engaged and skilled workforce
• Operating systems that improve sustainability of cash flows
• A Marketing Plan
• A Budget
• A realistic growth strategy
• Effective financial controls
• A solid, diversified customer base

If You Can’t Measure and Monitor it, How the Heck Can You Manage it?
Not only do successful contractors implement and utilize many of these value drivers, but they also have a very deliberate process to measure and monitor their progress and implement necessary changes.

Where are You Now? ~ A Starting Point
Once you determine that you want to improve your organization and start the implementation process, the first step has to be an honest evaluation of where you are now. The ideal tool for doing that is ABC’s Merit Shop Scorecard; it has been developed by contractors, for contractors. This self-assessment questionnaire can be found on the website or ordered right through the ABC office. It’s a great new tool to give you an idea of where you are now… and provide help with getting where you want to go!

Take a Pat on the Back and Fill the Gaps
ABC Merit Shop scorecard will demonstrate the things you already do well, and help determine those things that need your attention or you haven’t yet implemented. Whatever the results, ABC of Wisconsin is here to help.

You Need to Know Which Steps to Take NEXT
The new Merit Shop Scorecard not only will give you an honest assessment of where you are, what you are doing well, and where there are potential gaps or areas that need improvement, it can help you get started on establishing and defining which steps you need to take next.

This Might Be the Best Investment You Ever Made – (and all it costs was some time)
In the highly competitive world of construction you owe it to yourself to complete The Merit Shop Scorecard self-assessment. Start filling in the gaps and do a periodic review to measure, monitor, and manage your progress.

To grow your business with sustainable profits and free cash flows you need to take deliberate steps with the right measuring stick. The use of the ABC Merit Shop Scorecard is an ideal tool to help you take that first step.

See You at the Top!

Go to TheABCWI on Youtube to hear how members use the Scorecard.

Cheri Galecke, PHR
Director of HR, DeLeers Construction & Business Advisor, Beyond Building, LLC

Len Hornung, CLU, ChFC, CExP
Principal at Construction Resource Network and Successful Exit, LLC

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