How Will Your Company Stack Up on the Merit Shop Scorecard?

Recently, ABC of Wisconsin released the Merit Shop Scorecard, a great tool to help our contractor members evaluate their company against the 10 Characteristics of a Quality Contractor. This self – assessment tool was developed by contractor members of ABC of Wisconsin.

Everyone wants to know how they can improve their company, in production, finances, community involvement, employee relations and in many other areas. The Scorecard allows you to do that easily. You simply fill out the form, either by yourself, or as many companies do, with a team of people. The biggest advantage to using a team is that you will get a better idea of what is reality, as opposed to possibly believing something when it is not true, or just not seeing areas that need improvement.

The are a couple of ideal reasons to use the Scorecard. First, it costs you nothing. This is a free resource from ABC of Wisconsin. It is available both in printed form and on an online form on the website. You will find it under Professional Development on the website, Secondly, you can do it on your own time frame. It is not a time sensitive item at all. It will not take you long to do either. Most find that they can complete the form in about 30 minutes.

Find out what two ABC members think of the Merit Shop Scorecard

Once you have completed the form you will, if you choose, be able to contact ABC of Wisconsin for help in any areas that you felt you need help with. Not sure how to get better production out of your team, give us a call! Need more training on Risk Management, we can help!

Return your card and get entered into a drawing for one of 5 free HR Conference registrations.

So why not give it a try. No cost, low time spent, great rewards! If you have any questions concerning the form give ABC of Wisconsin a call at 608-244-5883 or email us at We will be glad to help. If you are not currently a member we will not be able to help, but we always welcome new members, and then we can help!

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