Don’t Forget To Toot Your Horn!

Many of our members go to great lengths to try and win a Projects of Distinction Award or go through the process of self-evaluation for earning a STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) award and then forget to make good use of them.

Winning a Projects of Distinction Award or STEP award is not a minor thing. In both cases you had to accomplish something special. Whether it was overcoming challenges and roadblocks to create a work of art or making sure your employees all go home at the end of the work day, it took time and effort, and sometimes money to reach those heights.

Too many times you forget to let others know, or “toot your horn”. Because you think it is bragging or just not cool, you neglect to make sure others know you achieved something special. Large firms have marketing departments and hopefully they are spreading the word, but many small companies don’t have someone that makes sure the word gets out. But even a small company can do it. Call the newspaper to ask for help. Newspapers are always looking for items to fill their pages, and stories about local companies that do something well is just what they want.

You also need to use these honors and awards in your bid processes. We recently had a company tell us that they did not see the value in spending the time or money to enter Projects of Distinction. The question is, did they use those awards to help them win jobs? Did they make sure the community knew that they the ones that created the fantastic new building they are all talking about? If they didn’t, they missed a great opportunity.

This is why you have to remember to “toot your horn”. You did something great, let the world know…and then reap the benefits.

Accredited Quality Contractors
Safety Training and Evaluation Process (STEP)
Projects of Distinction Awards Program

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