Building Information Modeling at an Affordable Price!

There are many indications that Building Information Modeling (BIM) is going to be much more prevalent, and even required by owners and developers in the near future. The very substantial cost to implement this software has always been a roadblock to many contractors though. ABC National has a alternative to this now! You can learn more at the ABC Winter Convention on February 6, 2014.

3d modeling mockup and real job site

Project Virtual, ABC’s newest member benefit (in partnership with Synergis Engineering Design Solutions), was announced during the Institute for Leadership and Professional Development last week in Las Vegas. Project Virtual brings affordable and effective BIM training and solutions to ABC members so they can better plan, build, and manage buildings and infrastructure. Two features of the program are available now: live training and a member discount program with up to 10 percent off Autodesk products. Soon, Project Virtual will include a skills assessment, certifications and an offering that will allow ABC members to take advantage of BIM technology at any time. In the next few weeks, webinars will be available to explain all the details of Project Virtual.

If you do one thing this week, return this PDF to Mark Leibman to register for training
and visit to learn more about the program. To take advantage of the discount, email or call (800) 836-5440 and ask for the “ABC team.”

Not a member of ABC? Click here and send us some information. We will return the favor and provide you with information on becoming a member!

Upcoming Webinars:

Friday, Nov. 22:  2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Monday, Nov. 25:  11:00 am – 12:00 pm EST

These webinars are designed to provide:

An overview of Project Virtual so chapters can gain a better understanding of this exclusive member benefit and the program offerings.  Details of the chapter revenue sharing program available under Project Virtual. More details on:

  • Member discount program (available now)
  • Live training (available now)
  • Member Self-Assessment
  • On-demand training courses
  • ABC Project Virtual BIMShare
  • ABC BIM Certification (the first certification being offered for this)

Be sure to invite other members of your staff so they can learn about Project Virtual too.  This initial effort will be part of an ongoing series of webinars to provide chapters with the information and tools they need to discuss and promote this program to members.

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