The Yards is a new five-story 102,400 square foot, 86-unit mixed-use multifamily development in historic Walker’s Point featuring retail, fitness center amenity spaces, heated parking and a shared second floor outdoor deck. The apartments in the building offer compact quality to renters, including a first-of-its-kind-in-Milwaukee junior one-bedroom unit, raising the standard for compact urban living by creating a true one-bedroom apartment at a studio size. Altius Building Company worked with suppliers to create mock-ups of cladding and flashing detail assemblies to ensure proper installation of materials to alleviate change orders. Altius Building Company had a tight site to work with and a shared property line with the elevated railroad track presented engineering challenges for site excavation and retention. Altius Building Company persevered through the coldest winter ever recorded, nearby railroad vibration traffic and the onset of COVID-19 to complete the project within 16 months and without incident.