ABC of WI holding First Online PAC Auction at

Attendees of ABC’s SuperCon are familiar with the popular live Political Action Committee (PAC) auction to raise funds exclusively to promote open competition and free enterprise in construction, and help address the construction skills gap.  At the request of members, a silent / ABC PAC auction has been added in concert with this year’s HR Conference.  Take the time to bid not only for some great items, but also for a great cause that protects you and your business from legislation and regulations that could harm the bottom line. You do not need to be at the HR Conference to bid. The ABC PAC is an essential tool to support candidates that in the past have repealed prevailing wage, and passed right to work and project labor agreement neutrality.

Here is the link to the auction:

HR Conference 1st Annual Silent/Online PAC Auction, generously sponsored by Jon VenHuizen and Joel Sterk of SAI Insurance, Jerry West of Compass Benefit Specialists, and Courtney Corcoran of the Fringe Benefit Group.  

Authorized by ABC PAC, Kelly Tourdot, Treasurer.

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