Wisconsin Contractor Blog

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Hard work involves high-risk activities. To work safely, workers must be physically and mentally alert. This means that fatigue is...

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Hard work involves high-risk activities. To work safely, workers must be physically and mentally alert. This means that fatigue is...

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It's that time of year when construction management teams need to remind those working in the heat to stay hydrated....

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This being "Workforce Week," it's a good time to share with you a feature on a current apprentice, Andy Lensink,...

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On September 23, 2017, OSHA’s new Silica standard (1926.1153) goes into effect. For construction companies with a relatively low silica...

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National construction employment remained largely unchanged for the second consecutive month, adding 5,000 net new jobs on a seasonally adjusted...

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Owning or managing a construction company, chances are you have a lot on your mind, from hiring employees to managing...

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As the pace of commercial construction picks up, you may not think there is any need to improve in the...

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When it comes to creating efficiencies in construction, BIM software plays a major role. BIM, or building information modeling, has...

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Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) today commended President Trump for signing a resolution into law eliminating the Obama administration’s controversial...

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