Wisconsin Contractor Blog

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Navigating the aftermath of property damage can be daunting for property owners and contractors alike. Understanding the steps to take...

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There’s a myth out there that bankers don’t want to work with contractors. However, that notion could not be further...

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This is an article about how to use LinkedIn to improve your sales prospecting.

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On Tuesday, March 26, Wisconsin’s major electric power utilities announced a first in the nation pledge to strictly use labor...

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There are simple steps that we come across that help reduce the headaches for you and your business, and to...

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By Samie Gossfeld, Verona Safety March is National Ladder Safety Month, a national program dedicated exclusively to promoting ladder safety at home...

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Since 1950, heart disease has been the leading cause of death for Americans. Risk factors that increase these odds are...

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Financial fraud is rapidly rising, and contractors are not exempt from it. As a claims resolution strategist for Hausmann Group,...

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In a regulatory development set to drastically change the environment for small businesses in America, the National Labor Relations Board...

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The U.S. Department of Labor now requires certain employers in designated high-hazard industries to electronically submit injury and illness information...

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