Wisconsin Contractor Blog

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It was 1948 and Dewey was a senior at Randolph High School when he joined his father, William, providing masonry...

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There have been a lot of tax law changes enacted over the last couple of years — with potentially more...

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Mental health issues flourish in an environment of silence and machoism, and the construction industry seems to create a perfect...

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President Biden signed an Executive Order that, among other things, instructed the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) to ban or limit non-compete...

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Wisconsin’s non seasonally-adjusted construction unemployment rate is 27th among the states. The national rate is 7.5%. On a year-over-year basis,...

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The American Rescue Plan Act will make funds available for utilization by state and local government in Wisconsin for a...

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In Wisconsin, a UAS is any unmanned aircraft operated not equipped to carry a human operator. A camera or recording...

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According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than 40% of heat-related worker deaths occur in the construction...

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The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) filed a lawsuit in Dane County Circuit Court against the City of Madison over...

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The civil and potential criminal consequences of a failure to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act are very real and very...

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