Legal (articles and papers)

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Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (“OSH Act”) and its substantive regulations, employers in the construction industry are subject...

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As 2018 moves along, so do things at the Department of Labor – but still pretty slowly. Here is the...

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As you prepare your business for winter’s unique hazards, it’s a perfect time to reinforce your commitment to safety by...

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Enhanced harassment policies and practices are necessary because new laws and liabilities are coming.

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Drafting a sound employee handbook is an essential step to make sure your “team” is all playing under the same...

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Practical steps employers are taking to attract and retain employees along with tips to avoid legal pitfalls when hiring in...

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As 2018 moves along, so do things at the Department of Labor – but still pretty slowly. Here is the...

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The Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) has now completed promulgation of Wisconsin’s Commercial Building Code (SPS 361 to...

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Employees consider employers a trusted source for information, and will likely be more engaged in the political process after you...

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In a continuing trend of anti-employer decisions, the NLRB recently ruled in a 2-1 decision that a grocery store violated...

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