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Chair: Kyle Kraemer, Kraemer Brothers, LLC
Chair-elect: Sam Daniels, Daniels Construction
Past Chair: Jessie Cannizzaro, Milestone Plumbing, Inc.
Secretary: John Williams, Gilbank Construction
Treasurer: Jenna Milis, Milis Flatwork
Mitch Altmann, Altmann Construction Co., Inc.
Mark Dudzinski, Northcentral Construction Corporation
Holly Jones, Dave Jones
Andrew Kaehny, Steiner Electric, Inc.
Joshua Levy, Husch Blackwell, LLP
Brent Pember, Pember Companies, Inc.
Chair: Gerry Krebsbach, K-W Electric, Inc
Secretary: Jay Zahn, Hausmann Group
Treasurer: Roger Thimm, Wondra Construction, Inc.
Staff Liaison: Kelly Tourdot, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.
Attorney: David P. Wolds, Wolds VanderWall, PC
Additional Trustees:
Gene Jacobson, PDC Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Casey Malesevich, Sure-Fire, Inc.
John Zignego, Zignego Co., Inc.
This statewide committee oversees the ABC Apprenticeship program as a whole. Primary duties are to provide uniformity to the Area Apprenticeship Advisory Committees, oversee the standards to the ABC Apprenticeship program and develop new programs.
Chair: Charlie Vine, W.D.S. Construction, Inc.
Staff Liaison: Cheyenne Foster, ABC Apprenticeship & Training Trust
Mark DeVoll, North American Mechanical, Inc.
Tim Feucht, Wondra Construction, Inc.
Gene Jacobson, PDC – Electrical Contractors
Vaughan Jansen, Stevens Construction Corp.
Ryan Kastanek, Circle Electric, Inc.
Dan Maurer, R&R Insurance Services, Inc.
Chair: Kyle Kraemer, Kraemer Brothers
Chair Elect: Sam Daniels, Daniels Construction
Immediate Past Chair: Jessie Cannizzaro, Milestone Plumbing, Inc.
Treasurer: Jenna Milis, Milis Flatwork
Secretary: John Williams, Gilbank Construction, Inc.
Staff Liaison: Kelly Tourdot, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.
Past Treasurer: Mark Dudzinski, Northcentral Construction Corporation
Members at Large: Andy Kaehny, Steiner Electric, Inc., Steve Stumbris, North American Mechanical, Inc.
The committee aims to provide members with the tools they will need to overcome the challenges or roadblocks that may arise as they look to expand recruitment efforts. With the founding principles of free enterprise and open competition, the committee’s initiatives are focused on helping members meet and train a diverse workforce, grow our diverse membership, create real and meaningful community partnerships, and overall help ABC of Wisconsin members be the most successful in business.
Chair: Nicole Frank, Dave Jones
Staff Liaisons: Elizabeth Roddy, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc., Kelly Tourdot, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.
Jessie Cannizzaro, Milestone Plumbing Inc.
Nicole Frank, Dave Jones
Serafin Gallardo, Pioneer Roofing
Cle Gray, Prodigal Building Systems
Leah Kallas, Great Lakes Skilled Trades, LLC
Eugene Krol, K Komfort
Amanda Kurt, Kurk Concerete, Inc.
Josh Levy, Husch Blackwell LLP
Hailey Mand, Milis Flatwork
Trent Manders, Sierra Concepts LLC
Mike Medcalf, Brehmer Agency
Loretta Mulberry, Terra Translations, Inc.
Jenna Oliver, Daniels Construction
Reginald Reed, Jr., Mindful Staffing Solutions, LLC
Drew Rhodes, USI Insurance Services
Jose Rodriguez, Zignego
Russ Tabaka, Gilbank Construction, Inc.
Tony Zignego, Zignego Co., Inc.
This committee advances the HR function within ABC of Wisconsin membership by serving as a resource for the education of and exchange of ideas and information concerning HR in the industry. The committee is a forum for its members to consult one another to make informed decisions that contribute to their business success.
Chair: Jenna Oliver, Daniels Construction
Staff Liaison: Don Moen, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.
Amy Adamski, Staab Construction
Mandy Basham, Stevens Construction Corp.
Hannah Champion, Kohl Electrical Services
Vanessa Collins, Dave Jones
Maggie Cook, Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
Nicki Fassbender, MCC, Inc.
Sally Gile, Endres Manufacturing Company
Kayla Jahn, Kraemer Brothers
Mark Johnson, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
Deena Hatley, Neuman Pools
Eric Locker, Husch Blackwell LLP
Kayla Schaller-Greenwood, MBE CPAs
Andrea Siegworth, Corporate Contractors Inc. (CCI)
Jody Skallerud, Hottmann Construction, Inc.
Emily Smith, Ansay & Associates
Katie Stuessy, PDC – Electrical Contractors
Abby Voss, Wieser Brothers General Contractor, Inc.
Mitchell Waterworth, Auburn Ridge
Angela Wilcox, Stevens Construction Corp.
Doug Witte, Boardman & Clark LLP
This committee is ABC’s voice to ensure we continue to be recognized as the premier resource for construction workplace issues before the state legislative and executive branches. These workplace issues consist of general construction industry, labor-management relations, the promotion of free enterprise and the merit shop philosophy.
Chair: Pat McKenna, Hausmann Group
Staff Liaison: John Schulze, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.
Daniel Barker, Jackson Lewis, P.C.
Dan Bertler, Supreme Structures Inc.
Mike Brod, Aon
Tom Derrick, Derrick Companies
John Ernst, MCC, Inc.
Ryan Gartman, CPA, CMA, CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP)
Eric Lehmann, McClone
Nick May, Refrigeration Installation Specialists
Bill Monfre, Monfre Consulting
Tom O’Day, Husch Blackwell LLP
Brent Pember, PE Pember Companies, Inc.
Daniel Ross, Ross & Associates, Ltd.
Lane Ruhland, Ruhland Law and Strategy, LLC
Denita Schreier, WDS Construction
Steven Slawinski, O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & Laing S.C.
Peter Stemmeler, Arena Americas
Doug Sutter, Keller, Inc.
Jon Venhuizen, SIA Insurance Services
Brian Welch, Winter Services, Inc. – Great Lakes Salt Division
This committee enhances the image and promotes the benefits of ABC of Wisconsin. The committee communicates the merit shop philosophy and is instrumental in establishing and executing programs that promote ABC and its members. The committee also develops professional development education related to PR, marketing, and sales.
Staff Liaisons: Laura Kocum, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc., Chrissy Long, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.
April Anderson, Staab Construction
Amber Blomquist, Fire Protection Specialists
Heather Dobson, Corporate Contractors, Inc. (CCI)
Aysha Holtz, Holtz Builders, Inc.
Cory Kundert, Kundert Construction
Bill Lamb, Ross & Associates, Ltd.
Michele Loppnow, ESI Group
Mike Paddock, R&R Insurance Services, Inc.
Tim Probst, Ewald Fleet Solutions
Allison Schneider, Holmes Murphy Construction
Levi Singler, Milis Flatwork
Remington Stittleburg, Kraemer Brothers
Dan Truehl, Lift Consulting, LLC
Michaela Utrup, Jackson Lewis
Jesse Wilkening, Great Lakes Skilled Trades
This committee’s charge is to help foster membership growth by developing networking opportunities and generating leads for prospective ABC members. It helps develop new membership recruitment techniques, along with assisting in member retention work. It also assists in planning ABC activities, outings, and events.
Chair: Dan Paulson, InVision Development International, LLC
Staff Liaisons: Mary Austinson, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.
Bill Stranberg, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.
Mitch Altmann, Altmann Construction Co., Inc.
Amber Anderson, Aerotek, Inc.
Ryan Barkdoll, Wide Effect Talent Solutions
Troy Carlson, USI Insurance Services
Connor Day, Baird
Chad Derrick, Derrick Companies
James Feroah, Great Lakes Skilled Trades, LLC
Cole Groshens, Tenna LLC
Cory Highshaw, US Bank
Jess Lawinger, United Rentals
Dave Murphy, PDC – Electrical Contractors
Mike Ritt, CTAccess
Brett Roth, Lake Ridge Bank
Diana Schmidt, Hausmann Group
Courtney Stelter, Ansay & Associates, LLC
Madison Surprise, Enterprise Fleet Management
Adam Wieser, Wieser Brothers General Contractor, Inc.
The mission of this committee is to assist members in providing a safe work environment by offering information, education, and consultation in safety. The committee’s goals are to save, protect, and enhance the lives of workers and the community.
Chair: Ryan Ogrizovich, Stevens Construction Corp.
Vice Chair: Robert Thomson, VOS Electric, Inc.
Staff Liaisons: Don Moen, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.,
Eric Bauer, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.,
Evan Beine, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.,
Dan Parks, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.,
Jared Weber, ABC of Wisconsin, Inc.
Ken Alderden, Hausmann Group
Kyle Anderson, Advanced Building Corporation
Tyler Bahr, Auburn Ridge, LLC
Paul Bartleson, Kraemer Brothers
Rick Barton, Hausmann Group
Evan Berns, Milwaukee Tool
Brad Bosset, Mega Rentals, Inc.
Mike Bosshard, Bob Anderson Builders, Inc.
Quentin Bosshard, Consolidated Construction Co., Inc. (CCI)
Cory Delwiche, Hurkman Mechanical
Pat Donovan, Northcentral Construction Corporation
Dustin Eisenhut, Dave Jones
Dan Ermer, Villani Landshapers
Rigo Flores-Correa, Foust Foundations
Kayla Fonseca, Faith Technologies Incorporated
Nathan Fritsch, Suburban Enterprises, Inc.
Reese Glish, Quality Insulators
Samie Gossfeld, Verona Safety Supply Company
Kyle Guenther, Dave Jones
Brian Gunder, Freide & Associates
Chad Haase, Neuman Pools, Inc.
Joe Hein, Pitlik & Wick, Inc.
Patrick Hughes, Ansay & Associates, LLC
Leah Kallas, Great Lakes Skilled Trades
Ethan Kaschak, Keller, Inc.
Josh Krey, Staab Construction Corporation
Sue Kuchler, Sentry Insurance
Paul Lent, Quality Insulators, Inc.
Ted Malesevich, Sure-Fire, Inc.
Mark Miner, Consolidated Construction Co., Inc.
Adam Moe, Jakes Electric, LLC
Rick Peters, North American Mechanical, Inc.
Zachery Prunty, PDC
Corey Ray, North American Mechanical, Inc.
Cullen Schmeling, Stevens Construction Corp.
Mike Schultz, M3 Insurance
Matt Shelton, Haas Sons, Inc.
Brian Shields, Cubic Wall Systems, Inc.
Patrick Smith, ESI Group USA
Kelly Stacionis, Holtz Builders, Inc.
Nick Steiner, R&R Insurance
Joe Stivarius, Corporate Contractors, Inc.
Logan Szopinski, Daniels Construction
Russ Tabaka, Gilbank Construction, Inc.
Robert Tenhagen, M3 Insurance
Brent Thesing, Wieser Brothers General Contractor, Inc.
Andrew Thomson, Milwaukee Tool
Keli Vorwald, Corcoran Glass & Paint
James Vosters, Elexco, Inc.
Brian Wilson, Jr., Seven Generation Contractors Corp.
Tanner Wood, Horizon Construction Group
Ryan Word, Faith Technologies, Inc.
Justin Zehel, A. Chappa Construction LLC
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