Do You Need to Change Your Thinking About Membership

I am very happy with my insurance provider. I pay my premiums and get good service. As a happy customer, I might recommend them to a friend given the opportunity but, I don’t really feel obligated to help them find more customers.

So may be your thinking about ABC of Wisconsin. You are very happy with ABC. You pay dues and get great service but, you don’t really feel obligated to recruit new members.

If you feel this way, let me suggest that you should change your thinking.

Because you are a member, you know that membership provides you and your firm with services and benefits that you find valuable. You have already decided that those services and benefits are worth the cost. You understand the return on investment on this level.

But where is your ROI on recruiting new members? You may think that the only ROI here comes in the form of good feelings and recognition from your peers. Good feelings and recognition are nice but, maybe you need a more practical return before you invest energy in recruiting new members.

An association’s vitality comes from its members. To have real impact on an industry an association needs critical mass. Capacity and influence grow as membership grows.

With nearly 800 members, ABC of Wisconsin is one of the biggest chapters in the country. Because of our size that we are able to offer services and have influence that we could not if we only had 200 members. Now, imagine the possibilities if we had 1600 members.

But it’s not just about size. Those 800 member firms are made up of individuals. These individuals contribute their time and talent to improve the association, providing you with better services and more benefits. They provide the brainpower necessary to tackle the challenges we all face. Imagine the potential leaders we are missing in the form of potential members.

So here is my challenge to you. Recruit just one other member before the year is over. Help us build more capacity and add new talent. Surely you know of just one other firm who would benefit from membership. Sure, you will feel good about recruiting a new member. But more importantly, you will get more return on investment.

P.S. Now is a great time to recruit a new member. Any company who joins now will get 15 months of membership from the price of 12. For help in recruiting your new member, contact ABC of Wisconsin Membership Director, Bill Stranberg at 608-333-3356 or

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